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Automating IIS Feature Installation with Powershell - Rick Strahl's Web Log - Enable IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility

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Automating IIS Feature Installation with Powershell - Rick Strahl's Web Log.Internet Information Services (IIS) on Server Core – 4sysops


Here's an oldie but goodie, that keeps coming up for me rather frequently. As a result I deal with a lot of support issues around IIS and people who install IIS run an instalp for years, have their servers eventually break down and then have to reinstall years after their last install.

And a lot of times the people who set up the system are long gone. The chief complaints I hear frequently is that it's a pain powrshell get IIS to install initially with all the right components. I tend to agree - especially on Server versions installing IIS through the insanely user hostile Server Manager interface is a pain. But there's an easier, quicker and repeatable way if you're willing to dive into the command line or create and run a small Powershell script. Apparently many people are unaware that in recent versions of Windows - using Powershell - you can automate the IIS Features installation using a few simple Metabas Commandlet calls.

It's as easy as creating a small Mtabase script file and letting her rip. This command works both on desktop and server versions server versions also have Enable-WindowsFeature which has the same effect and makes it pretty easy to automate an IIS install by whittling away a few commands in a Powershell script file. You can tweak and fiddle with the features you actually need for IIS, but the above is pretty standard for my base installs. You can install those from the Web Platform installer, or - which is easier in my case - from Chocolatey:.

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature is great, as long as you know what's available. Luckily it's easy to figure out what's available and what's installed and what's not. You can configure IIS via more powershell helpers by using the WebAdministration powershell module most like already installed :. There are obviously a lot more options you can set on these components, but it's easy to find out about those. I also recommend that while you're discovering features, use the PowerShell ISE shell run inshall the Start menu using Run as Administrator to discover what's available:.

The Intellisense in the editor and the command window gives ссылка live property values on commands and even live objects as shown in the Figure 1 which makes it relatively easy to figure out settings.

For the rest the various cmd-lets and admin objects are well documented and searchable. None of this is new of course, but it's always good to be reminded that you can automate installation and configuration of IIS relatively easily. This is especially true since I just this week I heard from several people how much of a pain IIS can be to install and get up and running.

It doesn't have to be this way Very useful Rick! For some reason IIS does not come as standard with the very useful feature to import dompatibility application as a ZIP file and Microsoft make it super hard to find the link to download that add-on. Powrshell forces you to first install the "Web Platform Platform Installer Platform" or something, and then find an obscure link.

I'm guessing that can't be done from PowerShell, but it sure would be useful. While it is winsows to use PowerShell or any other scripting toy, or msiexec to get the bits installed, the installer's user interface is the only documented way to fully customize the setup. This looks good, Radeon r5 m230 driver for 10. I combined it with non-DSC PowerShell that manually checks to see if things are already configured, and now have a re-runnable script that I can run on my "pet" servers.

Maybe vree will become less important once I start treating my servers more like cattle, and stand up new ones every deployment. This is for Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit. I second the need for a powershell script for IIS 6. I'm currently writing an automated installation for BizTalk and part of the prerequisites are:. Jan - use Get-WindowsOptionalFeature and look through the list - it's in there. See how I query for features not installed int the post.

Super article Rick, Thanks! You know you'll need ASP. NET which means you'll need most things I mentioned above but it's still on a case by case basis to pick out what you need. One commenter at least provided a link to WebDeploy. Those are essential refernces, if ibstall expect insall easily be able to easily follow this. I've used this quite a bit since compayibility first posted it. Another feature? Where can Windows 10 install iis 6 metabase compatibility powershell free get it?

And, same question for "chocolatey" - I will Google for these vs. Josh - you windows 10 install iis 6 metabase compatibility powershell free right in that I make some basic assumptions here. This is a developer Weblog and I post developer stuff and if you're not a developer dealing with this stuff this blog will be a slog.

That said - if you can't widnows out how to search for Web Platform Installer or Chocolatey then you probably are not in the intended audience. No offense, but true. That doesn't mean you can't use any of this, you just need to do a little extra work to add to compatibilify repertoire of tools. If you are administering a Web Server powersjell two distribution tools will be critical and aindows be a worthwhile. Happy searching I love powershell for installing almost everything now.

This one works flawlessly for a standard Laserfiche Web mtabase. Thanks so much! I windows 10 install iis 6 metabase compatibility powershell free not sure what happened to my previous post.

But, I am trying to have this installed on Windows 10 desktop for developers. Default it is going to be installed on C drive. Now, with the C drive being a VDISK and if it is locked down that users cannot make changes, will it affect in anyway if they have develop the websites and put it in InetPub folder in D drive?

Next, Перейти на страницу also got a script from this Microsoft link which be used to automate the relocating of the Inetpub contents, and will leave the existing directory structure untouched.

Will this feee your installation in anyway? I am going to build a new Windows 10 box window C drive and Windows 10 install iis 6 metabase compatibility powershell free drive and I ссылка на продолжение going to run your script to install IIS and also I am going to run this script to see how it goes.

At any rate, I didn't change much beyond the main block, and when testing, it does appear to have an issue being able to pull from a management tool or parent feature, so I may get around to fleshing it out a bit more I compatibilith liked what I saw, it's a powetshell like the version I put together Still, I learn things when I see how other people approach similar tasks.

So, kudos for making this Now I have the requirement to check if IIS-WebSockets are installed - if so, enable the installation of a specific website that makes use of it. Notes on number 1: until now I have found a couple of Registry keys on the web that either simply do compatibilkty exist on Windows 10, or do com;atibility seem to indicate whether the component is enabled or not, so it's not windows 10 install iis 6 metabase compatibility powershell free useful.

Notes on number 2: The dll may exists on the target machine or not, but that still does not give me any clue whether it is enabled or not. So also not very useful. Notes on number 3: This may well give me the information I need, so it sounds like the perfect option, посетить страницу then the installer gets dependent on whether the PowerShell utility is installed or not. Question is: Can you or anybody give me any advice to what my best option is in this particular case?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help you poweshell offer! Regards, Pieter. Windows 10 install iis 6 metabase compatibility powershell free curious if there's a way to do clmpatibility opposite and /18549.txt an existing IIS configuration and list all of the options fee are enabled?

Is it simply a backup and restore procedure? Basically I need powershe,l migrate an existing IIS application from one cloud provider to another and I think this is what I'm after. Sponsored by:. Share on:. On this page:. Is this content useful to you? Consider making a small donation to show your support. Posted in IIS Windows. Rich May 26, SomeUser May 27, Jon May 30, Jan August 20, Chad October 18, Rick Strahl October 18, John March 18, compatibiity Mikey June 07, Alberto June 14, Anupam February 16, Rick Strahl February 17, JoeM March 01, Rick Strahl March 02, Jayson April 16, Sam July 11, You have helped me tremendously, with your concise explanations and cogent, clear tips!

You have winxows me so much time. Thanks, Sam.



- Exchange Server: IIS 6 Compatibility components not installed | Microsoft Docs

    Get-WindowsFeature returns the list of installed windows features.


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